1. Settings –> Network –> Network Settings
2. Click Start
3. Select Network Connection Type
4. Click Network Setting
5. DNS Mode –> Manual and Set DNS server to one of Trickbyte dns
Click here to see latest Trickbyte dns ip
6. Go back to main menu and open up Smart Hub
7. When you reach smart hub inter face. Press these buttons sequentially on your remote.
Forward –> 2 –> 8 –> 9 –> Rewind
8. Internet Service Location Setup will pop-up. Change the location to United States of America and click Next
9. Agree to the Terms of Service Agreement, and SmartHub will restart.
10. Click Samsung app icon to download apps to your Samsung smart TV
Note: You need to authorize your ip every time your ip has changed. To authorize your ip, sign in once to client area at http://www.trickbyte.com/signin then click “update ip” at the top.