1. Go to Settings 2. Network 3. Set up Internet connection 4. Select how you connect, in this case, we select wifi 5. Select custom for how you want to set up the internet connection. 6. Select your wifi 7. Select Automatic for ip address 8. Select Do not specify for DHCP hostname 9. Select […]
Category: Playstation 3

How to Download the US/UK apps on your PS3
1. Sign out from your old account on PS 3 2. Register new account 3. Go to Sony Play station store and set your country to USA 4. Exit playStation Store and go to TV/Video Service –> My Channels 5. You should now see channels like Netflix, HuluPlus available to download. 6. Download your prefer […]

How To Setup TrickByte dns on PS3
1 Settings –> Network Settings 2. Internet Connection Settings 3. Click OK 4. Select custom on Select a setting Method 5. Select a connection method. Select your active connection. We pick wireless in this case. 6. Select Enter manually and select your network 7. Enter your ssid 8.Select your WLAN security setting 9. Enter wpa […]